Facebook Ads vs Google Ads: Which is Better?

Facebook Ads vs Google Ads: Which is Better?

Facebook Ads vs Google Ads: Which is Better?

“Trying to pick between Facebook Ads and Google Ads for online advertising? Well, there isn’t a simple answer because these tools are quite different. But I can definitely guide you to figure out which one fits your marketing plan and how to spend your advertising money.


women holding social media


Are you set? Let’s dive in and learn about advertising in a clear and straightforward way!”


Who to choose between Facebook Ads and Google Ads


“Why should you spend your ad money on Google Ads and Facebook Ads? These platforms are super popular and widely used for advertising worldwide. They’re loved because they can reach a huge number of people.


Google is the go-to search engine for almost everyone in Europe, while Facebook and Instagram together have over 2 billion users.


But here’s the thing: Google Ads and Facebook Ads work in very different ways. Let’s find out more about how they actually work.”


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How Google Ads works


Google Ads is a Pay Per Click (PPC) ad platform. Its main strength is its search network, which helps display your ads to users looking for what you offer.


Here’s the simple part: With Google Ads, you can show your ads to people who are searching for the things you advertise on Google.


Now, how does this happen? It’s all about keywords. But what exactly are keywords and how do they work?


Google ads keyword


When you start making ads using Google Ads, the first step is picking and studying the keywords for your ads. Depending on the words you choose and what users are searching for, your ad appears on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).


Because it’s a Pay Per Click (PPC) system, you pay money every time someone clicks on your ad.


The advantages of Google Ads


Why use Google Ads? It’s the most popular and effective PPC platform out there. That’s why lots of business owners and advertisers prefer to advertise on this platform.


An (almost) unlimited coverage


Google Ads helps you reach the biggest audience among PPC platforms because it covers a lot of potential customers.


Want some numbers? How about 75,000 searches every second and a whopping 2 trillion searches per year. Pretty impressive, huh?


Different ad formats available


Even though Google Ads is mainly known for its search network, it offers various other ad formats, such as:


  • Text ads;
  • Responsive search ads;
  • Responsive display ads;
  • Ads for promoting apps;
  • Youtube Ads;
  • Shopping Ads;
  • Call-only ads


Three-step auction system


The three-step auction system is fair for everyone using Google Ads. Your budget doesn’t matter. Whether you have a huge amount of money or just a small daily budget, Google Ads treats everyone the same in its auction system.


The three steps in the Google Ads auction are:


  • How good and useful your ad is to Google (quality score).
  • How likely your ad is to succeed based on past performance (expected impact).
  • How much you’re willing to pay for each click (bid per keyword).”


The cons of Google Ads


Admittingly, it’s pretty hard to find real downsides with this platform. Instead of actual cons, there are more like small things to be careful about when using this tool.


Mastering Google Ads isn’t easy. The platform is very complex, especially for new users. Keeping your costs low and controlling the cost per click (CPC) can be tricky. If not managed well, it might lead to wasted money and poor performance.


There are also privacy concerns, especially after GDPR updates. Using data tracking needs to follow strict rules to respect user privacy. Ignoring these rules could result in penalties.


Sometimes, you might not find enough people interested in what you’re offering, which can affect how well your ads work. Plus, advertising on Google Ads might cost more than other platforms. Keeping an eye on your campaigns every day is crucial to control costs.


The biggest problem with Google Ads is managing the cost per click. It can change a lot in a short time, making your campaigns spend too much money.


How Facebook Ads works


Now, let’s talk about Facebook Ads.


Facebook is a really big deal in the online world. Unlike Google, Facebook is a social network, so forget about using specific keywords or intercepting questions. It works more like a push platform.


Facebook Ads allows for precise targeting. It gives advertisers lots of options to reach their ideal audience, from basic demographic details to specific interests.


How does it work? Facebook looks at every like and interaction to figure out which users might be most interested in your ad. Every time someone shows interest in a brand or a page on Facebook, it gives information about what those users like and are interested in.


These interests are crucial for targeting in Facebook ads.


Not just that, Facebook Ads can be placed in different spots on Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger. There are various places where your ads can show up, depending on what you want to achieve.


The advantages of Facebook Ads


Apart from the wide range of targeting options and many available ad placements (currently 18, and potentially more with the emergence of the Metaverse), Facebook Ads have several other advantages. Let’s take a closer look at them.


Many targeting options


We discussed Facebook’s way of targeting ads using interests, demographics, and location, but there are even more potent tools in Facebook’s targeting system.


For instance, the platform lets you make custom audiences and lookalike audiences. These are formed from tracking pixel events, contact lists, or audiences made based on parameters set by the advertiser.


A more visual advertisement


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Pictures and visuals matter a lot. With Facebook Ads, you can create ads that really catch people’s attention. Why is this important? Well, you don’t need to know much about neuromarketing to realize that using great visuals can connect with people’s emotions and get their attention.


Such a large ROI


One of the best things about Facebook Ads is its return on investment (ROI). Right now, it’s one of the most rewarding advertising platforms out there.

Why is it so good? Well, Facebook’s cost per click (CPC) is usually lower than Google’s. But its click-through rate (CTR) is often not as high. This means it can be really beneficial for small businesses or anyone with a small advertising budget.


The cons of Facebook Ads


Facebook Ads has a few issues that can be tough to deal with. Using its management tools, like Business Manager or Advertising Account, can be confusing if you’re not familiar with them.


But let’s talk about some problems you might face with your campaigns:


Problems Getting People Interested:


Remember push and pull ads? It might not be easy to turn user interest into actual demand with your Facebook Ads. Also, you might end up running campaigns at higher levels than Google Search.


Trouble with B2B:


Reaching businesses (B2B) on Facebook Ads could be hard. Some say it’s mostly for people (B2C), not companies. However, companies are made of people, right?


Limits in Tracking Conversions:


There are issues with tracking your ad’s success on Facebook due to privacy rules. It’s harder to track how well your ads are working and improve them. Using just the Facebook Pixel might not be enough. You might need more advanced tracking methods.


If all this sounds unfamiliar, it might be best to ask an expert or start learning more about online marketing.




In the debate between Facebook Ads and Google Ads, determining a clear winner is challenging. Both platforms offer unique strengths and cater to different advertising strategies.


Google Ads, with its powerful search network, is excellent for reaching audiences actively searching for specific products or services. The keyword-based system, combined with high search traffic, provides effective leads, but managing costs and mastering the platform can be complex for beginners.


On the other hand, Facebook Ads leverages detailed targeting, visual impact, and diverse ad placements to engage users based on their interests and interactions. It’s effective for targeting specific demographics and offers a good return on investment, particularly for small businesses with limited budgets.


Each platform presents distinct challenges. Google Ads demands expertise in keyword management and may encounter issues in user interest conversion, while Facebook Ads could face problems in targeting businesses, B2B users, and tracking conversions due to privacy regulations.


Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on your business goals, target audience, and advertising budget. While Google Ads excels in capturing intent-based leads, Facebook Ads focuses on creating interest and engagement. The decision rests on understanding your unique marketing needs and leveraging the strengths of each platform to maximize your advertising success.

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