How to create a Landing Page: Best Practices

How to create a Landing Page: Best Practices

How to create a Landing Page: Best Practices

Why we making a separate landing page when I can use the home page? This article will explain why making a Landing Page is important and how it helps visitors take the action you want. Landing pages are made to boost conversions. We’ll share tips to make sure your landing pages are set up to increase conversions.


How To Make a Landing Page for Lead Gen Blog


Best Practices for an effective Landing Page


There aren’t set rules for making a great Landing Page, but these Best Practices can guide you in making your first Page better. Ultimately, only experience will show what works best—customers will decide which conversion page is right for them.


Catchy Title


The title is the first thing users see and should quickly explain what the Landing Page is about.


Visual Picture


Using at least one picture is important. It should represent the people you want to reach. Usually, it aims to show a positive feeling when someone buys what you offer.


Easy-to-Find Form


Make sure the form to contact you is easy to see and use. People shouldn’t have to search or scroll to find it.


Clear and Simple Action Button


The Call To Action (CTA) is super important. It’s what encourages people to take action.


The button should stand out. Use a color that’s different from the rest of the page. Clearly tell visitors what to do, like “send,” “download,” or “get it now.”


No Other Distractions


Your Landing Page has one big goal: to turn visitors into leads. Links to other pages can distract visitors from that goal.


Responsive and Mobile Friendly page


To keep people from quickly leaving the page, it’s important that the page loads fast and looks good on any device.


There’s a new Google update from June 2021 that considers how easy a website is to use as a factor for its ranking.


When we discuss how fast a website is, we often refer to a tool called Google PageSpeed Insights. It’s a helpful tool we’ll explain more about here.


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Placing buttons or forms at the center of a full-sized page, with a single-color background, helps ensure they remain intact even on smaller screens without breaking.


Include Reviews


People often recognize common marketing messages unless you have something really unique to say.


Sharing the experiences of happy customers adds real authenticity to what you offer.


Many visitors are smart enough to be cautious of typical marketing. Making these testimonials more personal by including specific details, like full names, job titles, where they live, when they bought the product, some personal background, photos, or even videos, can help humanize the feedback.


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Optimize SEO


To make sure lots of people see your Landing Page, you need good SEO. If you already have a blog on your site, you might know the basics.


Here are some tips:


Unique URL: Give your Landing Page its own special web address. This helps people find it and can also help it show up for certain keywords.


Title Tag: It’s not the same as the header tag. This tag is the title of the page. Many landing page tools let you edit this. Make sure you fill in this field.


Header tag: This is the main title of your page. Keep it short and sweet.


Meta description: People often forget to fill this out, but for landing pages, it’s important. It’s what Google shows below your search result. Since landing pages often have different bits of text, you want to tell Google what to show in the search results.


Image file names: It’s important to name your images well. Give them names that match what your page is about. If you can include your main keywords, that’s even better.


Backlinking: After you publish your page, link to it from different places. Use it in ads, put it in your blog posts, and share it with partners. The more places your link shows up, the more Google sees it as important.


Thank you page


After someone fills out the form, they should be directed to a special thank you page (or popup) that can open up new chances.


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This page isn’t just to confirm to the user but also to re-engage them. For instance, you could ask them to join the newsletter or explore the website further.




In conclusion, crafting a successful landing page involves several key elements that work together to capture visitors’ attention and encourage them to take a desired action. From a compelling and clear headline to visually appealing content, it’s crucial to engage the audience quickly. Incorporating a well-placed call-to-action (CTA), using testimonials for credibility, and ensuring the page is SEO-optimized are additional vital components in making a landing page effective.


Moreover, simplicity and clarity in design, ensuring the page is responsive across various devices, and offering a seamless user experience are paramount. The creation of a dedicated thank you page post-form submission opens up new possibilities for further engagement and encourages visitors to take additional actions.


Remember, successful landing pages are not just about grabbing attention but also about guiding and convincing visitors to act. Through strategic design, compelling content, and thoughtful user experience, a landing page can convert visitors into leads or customers, significantly contributing to the success of your business or campaign.

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