How to Rank your Website on Google? New Policy

How to Rank your Website on Google? New Policy

How to Rank your Website on Google? New Policy

Through good SEO ( search engine optimization ), or making your site friendly for search engines, helps your site show up higher when people search online. This is good for people visiting your site because they can find what they want easily. When a site is well-optimized for search engines, more people visit it, and that helps it rank higher in search results. If you want to learn how to get your website to show up on Google, you can check out WebQCoder’s web marketing strategy.


SEO positioning: our practical advice for positioning yourself on Google


SEO positioning means doing specific things to a website that help it get more visitors from search engines like Google. It’s like giving your website a boost so more people can find and visit it without using ads.


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How and what should we do to improve the positioning of a website on Google?


The basis of effective ranking in Google is broken down into 2 basic key elements:


  • On-page SEO optimization
  • Off-page SEO optimization


Even though these ideas have been around in the SEO world for a long time, they are often not used correctly.


In this article, we will tell you about the 10 most important things to focus on when you’re improving your website for search engines. If you get these 10 things right, Google will appreciate your hard work. We haven’t ranked them by how important they are, but each one is crucial to make your website better for search engines.


Here are the top 10 strategic SEO factors to consider


1. User Experience (UX)


Right now, what matters the most to Google when deciding where to show a website on its search results page is something called “user experience.”


User experience is all about using smart web design to make people want to stay on a website. Once they’re there, the aim is to keep them interested and engaged with the website for as long as possible.


How does Google evaluate the quality of user experience?


Google checks how much people click on our website link in their search results, and they call this “click-through rate” or CTR. If lots of people click on our link, Google thinks our website is important to users and they may rank it higher.


It’s really important to make sure our website looks good and works well on all kinds of devices like phones, tablets, and computers. People use different devices to get information, so we can’t only design for one. We need to make our site look good on all of them, which is called a “responsive site.” This way, people can easily access our site no matter what device they’re using.


Also, making sure our website loads quickly is crucial for a good user experience. Imagine having a website that looks great and loads really fast. That can make visitors more likely to become customers.


What factors should be considered when improving UX?


Making your website appealing and easy to use is crucial. It’s about creating a setup that encourages visitors to explore and engage with your website. Having great content is equally important for a pleasant user experience.


All these factors matter a lot, which is why your website should be relevant and helpful to the people who visit it. In the way your website is set up, we consider things like how fast it loads, whether it looks good on different devices, the colors used, and how things are displayed on the web.


2. Quality content


User experience is super important for getting a good position on search engines. Sharing and updating original, helpful content is a big factor in where your website shows up in search results. When you write, make sure it’s for the user – what they would find valuable and interesting.


Good content is well-written, stays on topic, and is useful to the person reading it. It should guide them smoothly through the page. Keep them engaged, and they’ll want to keep reading and exploring your site.


So, take creating content seriously. The better the content, the longer visitors will stick around on your website and interact with it. This is great because it lowers the bounce rate and improves the click-through rate (CTR). When visitors spend more time on your site and interact with it, it’s a win for Google.


How will the positioning be generated?


Google’s web crawler is like a detective. It checks out your website and figures out what it’s all about. Then, it shares important and good info with people who are searching.


Let’s say your website sells fabrics. To get noticed, you need to have lots of info about fabrics. Talk about different types, colors, materials, and matching accessories. This makes Google think your website is relevant and helpful. It’s thanks to a smart system called RankBrain that looks at the meaning of words.


Here’s an old trick: use the main word (keyword) naturally in what you write. But don’t overdo it. Using the keyword 1% to 2% of the time in your content is usually just right. Too much can make things messy.


3. H Title Tag


This article has been talking about how to grab people’s attention on your website with great content. But there’s another very important thing for SEO success—your website titles. Creating titles that stand out and descriptions that make sense is where good SEO begins.


Start your titles with questions to get readers thinking and wanting to read more. Use a structure like H1, H2, and H3 headings and include important keywords in these titles. This makes your content more valuable.


When you explain things or give more details, make sure it’s clear and answers any questions people might have. That way, your readers stay interested and engaged.


4. Title and Description of the objective


This is like a organic ad. It’s not like the ads you see at the top of Google search (Adwords), where you have to pay. Here, your website’s title and a short description show up for free in the search results. This is what we call “organic” and it’s the first thing people see when they find your site through a search.


To make people more interested, it’s good to use words like “Discover, know…” or numbers like “10 suggestions, 3 points, 8 factors, 9 things, etc.” in your titles and descriptions. Always try to answer what people might be searching for.


When you do this, more people will click on your website in the search results. It’s a way to make your site more attractive to both people and Google. Take some time to come up with titles and short descriptions that catch attention and match what your page is about. This helps in both making searchers click and making Google understand what your page is about.


5. The connection map is important


Making it easy for search engines to go through your website is important. When you link pages on your site in a clear and organized way, it helps search engines do their job.


It’s good to make sure that every link to articles or other pages is easy to find with just one click. A neat sitemap helps Google find the most important pages on your website, making sure they’re linked and indexed faster. This helps Google’s search robot (Googlebot) follow your site and quickly list it on the search engine.


6. Establish that order within your site


Many websites use breadcrumbs (like “trail of breadcrumbs”) to show visitors where they are and help search engines follow a logical map. When using this, think about where you want people and search engines to go. Make sure they can easily reach the homepage or the most important pages with just one click.


7. Link keywords


Before, this wasn’t a big deal on websites. But now, the address of a page can be a link that includes a keyword. It’s important to think about this and make sure that both from your main page and from other pages, the website creates good links to other pages on your site.


Remember that Google ranks pages, not entire websites.


Think about a page on your website that you’re making better for Google. On that page, you create links to other pages within your website. This helps the page become more popular and move up in Google’s rankings. It becomes more important. If you link it to your main page, some of that importance is passed on to your main page too.


The same happens from the main page to an internal page.


Don’t use “NOFOLLOW” for links on your own pages. But be careful not to put too many links on a page you want to rank. Limit external links to about 10, including social media links. Linking to pages within your website won’t harm your ranking.


A good trick is to link your main page to a strong, important external page that’s similar to yours in topic or industry. This link should be a regular one (not “NOFOLLOW”). Also, avoid using the main keyword for your webpage in this link.


8. Images and videos


Make sure to use keywords in titles and descriptions for all images and videos on your site, except for purely graphic ones related to the interface. For those, keep the description empty so it doesn’t confuse the search engine. Also, for images, consider adding an ALT tag with your business name and, if possible, include a keyword.


Nowadays, many websites include videos, which can keep users on your site longer. However, this can be a problem if your website’s hosting is slow. Slow websites can drive customers away. If your site doesn’t load or takes too long, it’s not useful. In such cases, consider improving the speed by using techniques like browser caching or using a Content Delivery Network (CDN), or even changing to a better hosting provider.


9. Web analytics, how to use Google Analytics on my website?


In the end, after doing all the steps mentioned earlier, it’s really important to analyze everything systematically. Use Google’s tools for this, like Google Analytics and Google Search Console.


Whenever you change something on your page, carefully check and measure what you’ve done. Look at things like how many people visited, where they came from, and how long they stayed. Tools like SEOZoom, Semrush (though they’re paid), and even Twinword (which is free) can also help by providing useful data and insights to guide your SEO efforts. They help evaluate specific types of content and generate in-depth ideas to improve your website.


10. Constantly educate yourself on new best practices


It’s crucial to stay updated about SEO by reading articles on the internet or watching YouTube videos. Listening to various experts through their blogs can provide valuable insights. If possible, consider taking comprehensive SEO courses. SEO practices are always evolving, so staying informed is key.


If you’re too busy with other aspects of your business, consider delegating SEO analysis to a dedicated person or team. They should regularly update you on their activities, advancements in SEO, and how they’re enhancing your website to attract more visitors or boost conversions. Keeping this communication open is highly important for the success of your online presence.


In conclusion


Making a website visible using SEO is more than it appears. It involves various important factors, and as mentioned earlier, it’s not just about stuffing keywords into web pages. The quality of the content and how well it conveys meaning are crucial elements. If you require assistance with digital marketing and expert help with SEO, WebQCoder, an SEO agency in Noida, is here for you. They provide professional advice and everything necessary to improve your website’s visibility.


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