Corporate App Development Guidelines for defining an Enterprise project

Corporate App Development Guidelines for defining an Enterprise project

Corporate App Development Guidelines for defining an Enterprise project

Apps are like new but now they’re a big part of our daily lives. Some apps are super important that we use all the time. Like the camera on our phone, the bank app, Whatsapp, email, Spotify, and especially during the pandemic, the Green pass app to go to public places.


The numbers are huge! Nowadays, most of the internet comes from phones and tablets. Whether we’re buying things or just looking for info, we do it mostly on our phones.


A rapidly evolving ecosystem.




In the past ten years, we’ve seen amazing progress in technology:


  • Devices got way better.
  • More stuff is available in online stores, with added features.
  • Paying online is safer and more dependable.
  • People trust online platforms more.
  • The internet got faster and more trustworthy.
  • Making different services work together became easier, thanks to improved development tools.
  • We’re used to buying services like Netflix, Spotify, and online news, rather than just products.


More money and progress in mobile tech mean most people like using it to get and share information.


A platform for the new generations


Millennials and Generation Z see mobile as the main platform. By 2035, most of our workers and buyers will be from these groups.


This means mobile becomes a key part of every business’s digital plan. Managers who follow market trends and what people like understand this shift. They know they need to invest in tech solutions that future consumers and workers will want.


Mobile is the driver of innovation


How well a modern company does is now highly tied to using digital tools in everything they do, starting from creating things to selling and taking care of customers.


The need for mobile-friendly options is making companies come up with new ideas and ways of doing things.


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Nowadays, over 77% of business owners are thinking about making mobile a top priority in how they change and improve their digital plans. However, not many companies are prepared to make and put their own plan into action, or they don’t have the right abilities and resources to go for this plan.


Coming up with a good plan for how mobile fits in your business is not just for people with big ideas anymore. It’s something every business needs to do if they want to keep up with the competition.


Mobile applications in the enterprise sector


In this article, we want to talk about apps on phones for businesses and big companies.


We mean the apps that help businesses talk and do things, and also the connection between the company and its customers.


Business apps can:


  • They help the company talk better and get information.
  • They assist people working from different places.
  • They check how well things are going and the quality of work.
  • They help in training and learning new things.
  • They let customers connect and talk to the company easily.
  • They make new and smart ways for customers to interact.
  • They make work inside the company easier.
  • They make customers happy.
  • They let people experience the brand in different ways.
  • They bring in more money.
  • And many more!




The global enterprise applications market is estimated to grow from $86.36 billion in 2014 to $510.39 billion by 2022.


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Example of enterprise application developed by WebQCoder


It’s easy to see why reaching customers on their phones is good. But what about using apps for the business itself?


In simple words, using business apps is part of a company’s digital upgrade. It helps improve every part of how things get done.


Usually, some benefits of this plan are easy to spot:


  • Improve productivity
  • Reduce operating costs
  • Improve collaboration
  • Improve data access and analysis


But, this way of thinking is only a small part. If we remember that a company is always talking to the market and its customers, using these apps can bring even more good things:


  • Improve customer care
  • Improve quality control
  • Reduce development times for new products
  • Identify needs and opportunities
  • Monitor customer satisfaction


6 steps to create any successful enterprise mobility strategy


Identify the main needs in the company


Using mobile tools for a business doesn’t mean you don’t need a bigger digital plan. Just having apps won’t fix everything or suddenly make you more money.


Mobile tools are just a piece of your larger digital plan. That’s why figuring out what your business really needs is super important for making your mobile plan work.


So to start thinking about the opportunities offered by mobile, let’s start by asking ourselves:


  • What’s popular in your industry right now?
  • What are the main things your business sells or does?
  • Where do you think your business will be in 3, 5, and 10 years?
  • What are the main problems or challenges in your business?
  • How can you make your business better, and how would it help you and your customers?
  • Do you really understand what your customers want and are you giving it to them?
  • Are you using information to make how you work better?



Sometimes, your workers and customers both see the same problems but in different ways. For instance, handling customer service can be really tough for everyone involved. This is a common issue that messes up how the business runs inside and how customers feel about the service. If we make it easier for employees to handle customer problems and get more help from the whole company, it’ll make both the employees and customers really happy!


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Example of enterprise application developed by WebQCoder


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